Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Savor The Calm

Feeding our bodies, allowing our taste-buds to fall into a deep satisfactory state, becoming aware of what we place into our mouths and relishing the nourishment our food provides us, is harder than it sounds. I have a nasty habit of rushing through the process of preparing our meals and consuming what I place before us as fast as I possibly can. It's easy to do so when the time I have with my family at night is limited, but my goal is to slow down. Live within the moment, within every second BE present. I do not want to pass down my state of anxiety or nasty habit of rushing through life to my son. I want him to be satisfied with the here and now.  I grew up being "bored", using my imagination was such a vital part of who I was as a child. My sisters and I lived outdoors, the world was our playground. Being bored isn't a bad thing, it  allows our children to cultivate and nourish their imagination, playing a fundamental role in finding who they are. How have I lost this concept? Rushing and being entertained at all times is such a huge player in our society. In my life journey, this is another concept that I need to let go and nourish the roots that once satisfied the person I was. The person I am now wants to be grounded, needs to slow down, be present...I am letting go, slowly, of all other distractions. What is it that you could cut ties with that would allow yourself to live within the current moment? Last night, as I was preparing dinner, I once again found myself on rush mode. I managed to find that calm place within myself, breathe, turn on some music that allowed me to unwind and most of all BREATHE. Its going to be work and a lot of self control, but I am determined to succeed.

It's so important to feed our ourselves with what nourishes our soul. Fresh food from the garden or what is in season helps to keep us feeling vibrant and healthy. I like to take all cooking outdoors whenever possible (hello rain), these precious summer months only grace us for so long until we are hibernating once again come fall and winter. I will share with you a couple of my favorite go-to recipes that have become a signature dish within my home. Mind you, these are my very own concoctions, so there are no measurements, I pretty much taste or eye-in the ingredients as I go along. I apologize for not making these recipes fancy, I am certainly not a food blogger!

I hope all of you are enjoying your summer! Sending you happiness and blessed sunshine your way!

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