Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Right Now....

{A picturesque view of one of the many bay's in Rhode Island. It was exactly what was needed.}

I bid a sweet farewell to our dear social media friend Facebook last week. And I haven't looked back nor regretted my decision whatsoever. This was something I had been really reflecting on, flip flopping on whether I should stay or go. It was rather pathetic that I was having such difficulty making my decision. A part of me wanted to stay to keep connected with friends and family that live far away. But the more I logged on, I started to see (much)  more negative than positive being the trend. And if you have been reading my blog, I have been avidly trying to surround myself with as much positive vibes as possible. It was a personal choice of mine to cut tie's with being distracted with what other people were doing and to focus more so on my current life, the people that are important within my home, who need my undivided attention. I felt that it had become a habit to constantly check in, see what was new, keep tabs. A waste of constructive time that I could be playing with Logan, creating art, taking a walk, enjoying just BEING present. A huge part of this decision had come from my blog. Writing is very therapeutic for me, which I would have never known if I had never taken that initial step to write! What is written comes straight from my heart. When writing, I find that my heart is speaking to my mind and I am listening to myself speak. It's a moment when my soul is calm and my thoughts are fluid. When I am not writing, my mind is a rampant jungle of idea's, feelings, emotions. It is hard to hear myself clearly. When re-reading my blog posts and then logging onto Facebook, I realized that what I was living and what I was writing weren't always coinciding. My heart and soul wanted calm, I yearn for peace, oneness, to focus, create positive energy within every corner of my life. That is what has been written. Being distracted with social media, focusing on other's lives and inadvertently paying less attention to mine was becoming a draining factor.

{Enjoying every living second with my boy}

Again, this was a personal choice. I do not pass judgement to anyone that has a Facebook account. I just felt it was something I needed to do to truly live a life of peace and harmony. I still enjoy Pinterest, as it inspires me to create projects, become creative within the kitchen as well as its plethora of knowledgeable tidbits shared by other folk. I also like Instagram, I like to follow other bloggers out their and happen upon other great bloggers. Its a great way to connect without words getting in the way. Its visually arousing, lol! And of course, like I stated above, I have my blog, which is therapeutic.

{If you haven't noticed, I am currently infatuated with Ram Dass, he is a beautiful individual.}

On the blog side of things, I have spent months pondering as to what avenue my blog was taking. Whether I would turn it into a money making machine (haha!), a DIY crafty blog or a lifestyle blog.  I have purchased a few guides as to how to kick start your blog, how to draw in the crowds, to focus on topics that will keep your audience intrigued.  As with other things in my life, I settled on not placing a label on it. All these rules really bog me down. If there is one thing I know about myself, I do not adhere to rules very well, nor instruction. I like to pave my own way through life. So once I listened to myself, I claim this; my blog is for me, a place where I can allow my words and thoughts to flow freely. It's not always going to be on one certain topic and it might not always be airy. At times I do feel like I may go a little too deeply on a topic, but I give free reign to whatever path my heart and soul takes. The main reason I am here is to be genuine. I am not putting on a show or trying to entertain. I give you my raw thoughts. Of course I love all of my readers, but my greatest hope is that you are here because what you are reading is hopefully rising within you inspiration and the courage to be nothing but yourself.

{My current read. Food for my soul.}

On that note, I send you love and happiness. Just BE. Like my newest favorite quote states, "we're all just walking each other home" {Ram Dass}.

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