Thursday, January 29, 2015

Focus, Darling

If you are anything like me, I want to accomplish SO much and just about everything under the sun inspires me to be something or go somewhere. Focusing is not my strong point. I find so many different topics in life interesting and find myself yearning to take on a vast number of projects. I drive myself crazy!

When it comes to life goals, such as a career, I believe having your head in the clouds (yes I admit to it,okay!) can cause pinpointing what avenue you'd like to take, daunting. I want to take ALL of the different avenues! I love an adventure, exploring is the root of my nature. But as I stated in a previous post, writing out what my focal interests are and revolve around,  have truly helped to put the blinders on and start to dwindle down the list of what I would love to do, to what I WILL do (because you have to have faith in yourself!).
(Have faith in yourself!!)
Another benefit of following through with yourself is that it leads to inspiring others around you! Today I was warmed right to the core to be on the receiving end of such an awesome compliment!!! My blog has inspired my sister-in-law to share with me her four aspirations she would like to succeed in. Like me, she is a lover of everything and motivated to take on the world! I loved that she shared her aspirations with me, all of them are absolutely wonderful ideas! But each goal needs time, water to grow and full attention. FOCUS. Thus I will use this vivacious gal as my prime example!

(Carrie on the left, myself on the right...this was a glorious day!!)

As the outsider, sometimes it's easier to give advice on the big picture. As long as I have known Carrie (my sister-in-law), she has always been driven to be healthy, motivate others around her to follow a fit and healthy lifestyle. That is her passion! She has a plethora of knowledge on the topic, as well as the aspirations to become a personal trainer. Of course I couldn't resist to cheer her exploration of aspiring this goal because it has always come naturally to her and she has a burning passion for it. But with all the other goals stacked on one another her focus was being spread too thin. She felt with so much to accomplish there really wasn't time to make it happen. Add into the equation a hectic life of a working mother....that alone can place anything on the back burner. But with a little encouragement to concentrate on just one goal, write down an outline of what she would like to portray and accomplish, including a proposed date of accomplishment (even if years from now) and square away at least one hour every night to work on this one tangible's totally doable!! I also encourage her to create her own business blog to kick start her vision, getting her name out there and creating a network AND the best part of that, IT'S FREE! ( I know she will ROCK this!)

Sometimes we need someone to fan our passions. I want to inspire, as well as be inspired. I have found that the rewards from following through with what drives you, has a way of counteracting. Who knew that my very own blog would cause me to be inspired! Its driving me to be much more adventurous within my own neighborhood, as well as other local towns. I am creating a list of places I want to explore and share. I have networked with others, been inspired with their knowledge as to where I want to go, what I envision for future topics and discussion. You know you are doing something right when it has a domino effect!!!

(my quiet time with my son, one of my favorite places, in his race car bed!)

Follow your heart. Take a moment to set aside some quiet time to reflect the person you are, what drives you, what knowledge you have on the topic. Ask yourself, "do I have a thirst for more knowledge on this particular goal?". You can rock it too! I know you can!!! And of course, please do share!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

My sincerest gratitude and admiration goes out to you. Thanks to your sharing of wisdom I have begun the homework you have assigned and am well on my way to stop dreaming and begin living my dreams. Love you! xoxo