Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Champagne Taste on a Water Budget

I am IN LOVE with the title to this post (thanks to my big bro!!). I am half tempted to rename my entire blog, because it epitomizes exactly the gal I am!!

(At the office....a pin found on Pinterest I framed, the concept just caught my eye. The other was a gift, not sure what it is, but the colors are lovely, I couldn't resist using it to display my adorable air plant!! And my wall of pictures simply because pictures always make a place feel like home!)

Living on a tight budget for the most part sucks. But, it has caused me to tap into my creative side, pushing me to start trying out some DIY projects, either inspired by Pinterest or from pure imagination....which has been FUN FUN FUN! I cannot believe I have JUST realized how much joy painting brings me and repurposing what I already have!

Aside from pieces at home falling victim to my new joy of painting (my husband is sincerely afraid of leaving me home alone at this point), I took on my office here at work! I mean, I reside within my office space 40+ hours a week, why not have some fun making it all chic and pretty......on a dime! In fact, I didn't spend ONE CENT! Serious as a heart attack. At first, I did do some research on Amazon. I found some beautiful gold plated pieces made by Kate Spade, I mean truly luxurious as far as desk accessories go! But the cost was not so pretty, not for my budget. I asked myself how I could replicate a gold desk organizer, as well as a tape dispenser. Then I remembered, I had some leftover gold plated spray paint I had used over the summer which I purchased at Walmart (find here)! I couldn't wait to start my project, which made the day at work VERY long since my anticipation of beautifying my boring black metal mesh desk organizer and tape dispenser was literally ALL I could think about.....(obsessive much?!). And here are my beauts:

(So EASY, anyone could do it! And it adds just a hint of chic to my desk area, love!)

Unfortunately, I did not take a before picture. I am not used to documenting everything just yet and I have this slight problem....when I start a new project, I get SO excited that I just rush into it without thinking of snapping a few pictures along the way. Maybe I need an assistant for such things, a photographer?! Ha! Hey, its all a learning curve....

(my little assortment of terrariums filled with rose bushes, air plants, a tropical plant of the aloe family and LOTS of moss.)

The next project I approached was a new 2015 calendar. I found one that I thought would be a cool on Zulily, but I also found  the same one on Amazon. The idea sounded so cool, a dry erase decal calendar in black fluorescent. But the price tag on this was a little high for me, plus you'd have to purchase the markers and the reviews were poor. THEN I happened to stumble on a blog via Pinterest which I have become smitten with! I follow her on Bloglovin (if you have never explored Bloglovin, please DO and follow me! It's where you can discover other great blogs and keep your favorites in one neat and tidy space). Over at Chantel Emma she made a FREE downloadable pdf 2015 calendar that I instantly fell in love with!! Its very modern and simple (here). Once printed, taking the idea from Chantel, I remembered a few items in the basement of my office that no one had took claim to, one of them was a clipboard: PERFECT! Thus my new calendar (because an ordinary one would be so boring!!!):

(Aside from the numbers being on the light side, I love this and have gotten plenty compliments!)
I would love for you to share your ideas or office space, inspire me!!!


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