Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Perfect Afternoon

{Dress: TJ Maxx & Bag: Just Fab}

The first hints of spring and warmer weather are here, at last!!! Its arrival has truly felt amazing, I can literally feel the sun seeping into my very being slowly melting away the winter blues. As much as I am bitter with winter, without her, I would take spring for granted I am sure. But as of right now, spring is my very favorite, she holds the most magic! I cannot wait for my garden's to grow....its always a moment of awe for me. 

{giving this new hairstyle a try, didn't turn out exactly how I envisioned, but I still rocked it! Thank you Promise Tangeman for the tutorial!!}

My girlfriend and I took a quick getaway during our lunch break to catch a few rays, enjoy the fresh air and enjoy our little town, it was amazing not to have to need a coat! You could see the smiles on everyone's faces welcoming the change, I feel as though I had perma-grin, loving everyone and everything!! There were definitely good vibes floating around ;)

{Coat: gift from hubby from Victoria Secret's}

As much as I loathed going back to the office, I felt refreshed and looked forward to taking a nice walk with my littlest guy in the evening. Some of the best things in life are truly free! Like great weather, awesome friendship and laughter.

{apparently someone loves SOUP, haha!}

Other things cost a little more. Like.....bright pretty pink nails to match my brighter spirits (cheesyyyyyyyyy! LOL!).

I am not one to fork over money to get my nails done. I used to. But now, I literally feel like its just something else I have to devote valuable time to. Aside from a few pedicures during the summer, I would rather spend the time and money elsewhere. That being said, I do like me some bright eye catching nails. I am more than capable of doing them myself. But finding a nail polish that stands up to constant cleaning and filing paperwork IS a challenge (not to mention gardening in the summer, yay!). I have bought high end nail polish and drug store brands.....nothing ticks me off more when my nails chip the very first day of wear. GRRRR.

{LOL! This picture makes me laugh every time! He thought my book prop was hilarious, so he had to replicate it as well!! And yes....he did his nails with mommy too!}

So, there are a couple of demands that I ask from a nail polish: quick drying and stay power. I want and need the ultimate super woman of nail polishes. And, I believe I have found it! 

{Spoiled nail polish, CVS exclusive, best lacquer around, I swear by it!! Two coats, clear coat and your ready to go! The shade I chose, Plastic Flamingo #S010}

Better brace yourself ladies: cost $1.99. Time: 15 - 20 minutes. Memories: a lifetime

Hope ya'll are enjoying this beautiful weather as much as I am!! 

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