Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Best is Yet to Come

I love this phrase. I want to bask underneath it’s glow and soak up all the possibilities. Lately I have felt this ball of excitement within the core of my being, very similar to the feeling of falling in love. Is this how it feels to fall deeply in love with life? I have never experienced this feeling when it comes to choosing a career or an avenue of what might be.  I truly feel within my gut that the choice I made to become a blogger and journalist is THE missing puzzle piece to my life. And why or how come it took me so long to fall into this niche is beyond me, but I am welcoming this new path with arms wide open.

( A ritual that my sister Tina and I share, tea time inspirations. She is truly my kindred spirit. Keep those that inspire you to be your best around, nurture them as much as they nurture you. These relationships are like flowers, they need water and sunlight. They should be a forever investment. )

I am in my early 30’s. At times in my life I have felt like a drifter. I suppose you could call me a free-spirit of sorts. I have never been one to settle down and plant roots. I've lived a rather nomadic life, I wanted to experience life on a whim, no schedules or strict structures. Along the way, I have made some poor decisions. I have never been one of those people who knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life or what direction I  would take to  pave the road to success. I simply lived in the moment. But in saying this, I have learned a lot throughout my travels, trials and tribulations. My life planted roots once I met my husband and we created a family, which in itself was a major fulfillment since it brought to life the person I am today. But there is something that comes from being successful. So, I suppose this makes me a late bloomer as far as choosing a career goes. And you know what, it’s OKAY! I am going to stop judging myself and start accepting the person that I am. I have always been a sensitive soul, others opinions held me down in the past regarding the way I live my life. Respect what makes you different, what others might view as "flaws". Be sure to show the same respect when dealing with others. If we showed a little more respect, imagine the difference it would make! 

(Heck yeah! Please do.)

Break free of labels. Just be YOU. Don't try to change because people might view your lifestyle in a negative way. You are always going to have those that support you or those that are against you. Do not be afraid to try something because you feel it goes against the person you are. Be open to new experiences, because who knows, you might be introduced to a side of yourself that just needed to be awakened. Dive into who you are and what drives you. Getting to know the person you are can be a journey in itself and very exciting. Make choices that you alone have decided to make and aren't made under the influence of others, or what others push you to be. Only you alone know what is right for you.

(I stumbled on this amazing poem. It fits my sensitive personality. One of which I used to find as a flaw. I feel as we grow and become acquainted with who we are, we realize its these flaws that make us stand out among the rest. I am smitten with Victoria Erickson, her poetry has such depth!)

In conclusion, I urge you to FOLLOW your dreams and simply allow yourself to FLY! Age is just a number. And we have one life to live, no re-do's or reset button. Stop making excuses, do not allow fear or anxieties weigh your decisions. If it’s the right decision, you will know, because your gut will indelibly tell you and life will fall into place. Remember, everyone has their opinions, but the opinions that truly matter come from those that genuinely know the person you are and love you unconditionally. Just be the BEST you. For you and for those around you. Treat yourself with respect, the same respect you treat others with. Nurture your soul and love the person you reflect. There is no time like the present to start all of the above!

XO, Carla 

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