Friday, May 8, 2015

Juiced & Feeling PUMPED!

Hello Sunshine! Even though we may have skipped spring and jumped right into summer weather, I am not going to complain! I have been enjoying evening walks, gardening and having all the windows of the house open. Its incredibly refreshing after such a long drawn out winter and the balmy summer months only last so long, so let's take full advantage and get out the sunscreen! Along with the new temps, it has caused me to set some new goals as well as a few new challenges for myself. I am ALL about self help and evolving into a better you, are you with me?!

{Raw and Simple, Judita Wignall. You can find it here <3}

Personally, I had found myself in a funk. I felt icky on the inside, my skin was showing signs of dehydration, I was experiencing aches and pains. Something needed to change! I truly feel that no one knows how or what to do to heal your body or spirit more than yourself. I am pretty in tune with inner self and when I feel off, I know exactly what it comes down to: nutrition. For the most part, I eat very healthy. But those nasty foods filled with nasty fraudulent ingredients in manufactured foods can wreak serious havoc on your entire well being. I have a wild imagination and I just envision these impostors invading my body, layering my organs with a nasty film.....drain-o please!!! So after much researching and soul searching, I knew my body needed a good cleanse and detox. I wanted to start filling myself with nearly 100% natural ingredients, derived from the earth and start eating clean. Its always hard to break from a routine. But one day, I just woke up and was like, enough of the thinking its time to take control and start doing! I had always loved vegetables and at one point I had tried the raw diet. I do love the concept! The food is delicious. But I have a family of two me, one big and one small, and the diet just wasn't realistic for us. For me the best way to incorporate raw food into my diet in a quick way was to invest in a juicer and let me tell you, its my most beloved kitchen equipment! It was well worth the splurge. I didn't purchase a fancy juicer by any means, I didn't want to spend the money i wasn't sure I would truly love. I purchased a simple Hamilton Beach model and it works just perfectly! I have been enjoying my juices and reaping the benefits ever since! My skin feels great, I feel much more energetic and overall just BETTER. 

{Nothing satisfies my soul more than having an abundance of fresh fruit & vegetables at my finger tips!!! YUM!}

I am not one to work out, at all. In fact, I have never truly stuck to a workout regimen. Ever. So my biggest challenge for myself this summer was to figure out how to incorporate a workout routine into my crazy hectic work/wife/mother schedule! I simply have zero time to hit a gym. And for those that know me, I typically veer away from working inside the home. BUT something had to give because my energy level had hit an all time low and even though I was eating better, I still needed something. And along those same lines, I want to be toned for the first time and enjoy water parks, beach parties or pool gatherings with my family without being self conscious. After seeing two of my closest friends pumped and hearing the enthusiasm in their voices, researching the workout program myself and validating it for myself, it has been a perfect fit for my schedule and healthy eating, I too am know doing the 21 Day Fix Beachbody program! The fact that the workouts are only a 1/2 hour long, I am able to get them out of the way first thing in the morning before starting the day! And the eating program was super easy for me to accommodate since I pretty much have been eating the same way, but get this, NOT ENOUGH. Don't get me wrong, I have cut back my number one offender, wine. But I am eating MORE at lunch than I ever have and dinner as well! Just making a few adjustments. So between the juicing, working out and eating clean....I am back to feeling great and the energy from working out is so worth every cent spent! Not only physically, but mentally.

{Getting out for a walk to the playground is the best medicine for both! Do what makes your heart happy!}

Another goal (or rather challenge) of mine is to avoid wearing black ALL SUMMER. (notice the picture above, obviously I need to work a little harder at this! HA!) I am an avid fan of the color, but I feel its such a draining color. After donning it all winter long, I am over it! And like one of my closest girlfriends stated, it does not represent the fun personality I bestow. I want to portray who I am through my clothes, so vivid colors of pink, blues, oranges and greens it is! I also feel that it tricks our minds into happy zone!

{The best way to end a long day, with my boys!!}

I challenge you to do some soul searching. If you have been down and out, why?! Is it something you could take control of? As simple as eating healthier or doing a workout? If you haven't the money to splurge on a juicer or the workout program, why not plant a garden, eat all that you sow? Take a walk....a You Tube for workout videos. Find friends that will help motivate you along the way. Make it fun, set goals together as a team, set a date to accomplish the goal. My inspiration is my son, weddings and a vacation. All which I need to be energetic and healthy, not to mention being toned would be nice too! But I also have a great circle of girlfriends and family  who motivate me to be only my very best!!! Be the best you can be, it might be contagious and encourage those around you to be their best as well!

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