- a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
Have you ever had an epiphany? A feeling that washes over you and you can literally feel the difference within yourself, whispering, it's time. I have always been one to trust my intuition, that gut feeling or sometimes I will refer it to the planets being aligned, the stars are shining extra bright......something out there is calling my name. I might sound crazy to those that have never felt this way, but I hope one day you will. Its a pretty amazing feeling. As of that morning a couple of weeks ago, I have been on the edge of my seat, trying to keep alert and present for whatever the change might be.
I have a few area's in my life that I know for a fact will be changing (because, I just know). But I am keeping these in my pocket for another day to share with you (is the suspense driving you mad yet?!). Other aspects of my life that I have been diligently working on have already brought about change within myself and family.
Feeling fabulous on the outside. Coming to terms with the way I was born and cannot change.......like being half Irish and half Italian, yet being as white as a fresh blanket of snow and no matter how much sun I get, I cannot tan. If you tan, you may never understand the angst of us permanently pasty peeps. My best friend whom has the same exact heritage as I, bakes to the most golden glow.....what gives? As far as I can remember, I have always been self conscious of being so WHITE. Every summer I would spend money on self tanning creams (of which would make me look like an oompaloompa, thank you very much Jergen's), self tanning gels, then a membership to the spray tanning booth (one time I stood in the booth and unbeknownst to me the spray mechanism wasn't working right. As I stood there with my eyes shut tight waiting for the blast of my beloved faux tan, I was dribbled on and the tanner ran down my body in streams leaving me a striped mess!!). Let's just stop the madness already!!! This summer, I am embracing my porcelain skin and rocking it like I own it! I am so over not enjoying summer to it's fullest or the person that I am because in my mind I have had this general perception that summer is correlated to being tan. In an attempt to boost my ego (LOL!), I have done my research of celebrity's or gorgeous models that rock the porcelain glow....have you ever turned off the lights on a someone who is pure white.....hahaha. But, what I find as a flaw, makes me who I am and I am embracing them, as of now. My advice, embrace your differences and work on loving the body you were given. Let go of some of that peer pressure to be anything BUT you! Because, you're beautiful just the way you are.
And on to feeling fabulous on the inside. Liking the person you see in the mirror. I want you to have an outter body experience with me for a moment......or however long it may take you to really envision yourself, outside of yourself. Yes, we are getting trippy here. But stay with me on this one. Don't allow me to scare you away!! Envision the person you are, your personality, your characters, your morals. Would you respect you? Would you become friends with yourself? Do you think if you met yourself in a group of people you would leave with an impression.....and a good one at that? I have been working on myself and working on those old skeletons in the closet. We all have our own inner demons. But do we feed into them more than we aught to and does it reflect? Now, take a step back and truly think to yourself, who do you want to portray yourself as? What life do you want to lead and whose lives do you want to touch? What do you want to bring to the table as a wife, mother or friend? How can we obtain these qualities or characteristics within ourselves? This may lead you to making some real life decisions. Cutting out people or a change of lifestyle. It has been a true awakening for me. I have made some changes within myself and I am not sure I will ever be finished with this project. I feel that we will always continue to evolve, but right now I feel like I am coming to terms with myself and loving the person I am more than I have months ago. And its a great feeling!
I am currently working on refraining form saying the words I wish. I need to stop making excuses and take the steps to get to where I want to be within my career. One of my BIGGEST goals is to commit my time and energy into my blog. I love it here, this is where my passion is. Whatever your passions may be or whatever you feel drives you......set your sails to glide on its current! If you have passion behind you, you cannot fail.
Being gracious and showing gratitude to those I love and respect, making the time to visit, taking time to make a simple phone call and be present in their lives. Alot of times I neglect this area of my life because I am so focused on life within my bubble (home life). It gets hard for me to spread myself and devote that attention on others. But just like a marriage, friendships need to be nourished and given love. Relationships to me are like a garden, in order to grow, we need to be watered with love, fed to sustain and warmed with just being present.
These are just some of the currents that have been flowing through me. Like I stated previously, their are major changes taking place in my life. Some are behind the scenes that I haven't even become acquainted with. I embrace change. I live for the adventure of life and evolving into a better person, even if at times its painful. Never stop trying to be a better you. Never stop challenging yourself. And remember to surround yourself with those that love you and truly want the best for you. They are a rare breed, so make sure to show them your appreciation!
Thank you to all of you that have been supporting my blog, pushing me to be a better me, reminding me that I am doing my best and to STOP saying wish, and to start DOING. Ya'll ROCK!