Monday, February 23, 2015

A Case of the Blahs; Rejuvenated

Hope ya'll had a fantabulous weekend!!! We finally had a warm front so we were able to head outdoors for some much needed fresh air and vitamin D! Last week I had a serious case of the blahs. Between my  work load increasing, temperatures staying below zero, my boys being sick (that includes my husband since I only have one little boy technically) and a nasty case of cabin fever, it's not a rare diagnoses round these parts of the northeast hemisphere. 

But I was able to shake it off this past weekend with the help of much needed sister time, which included lots of gut aching laughter, crafts for her upcoming wedding, a makeup trial run (which was done after a few glasses of wine, you can imagine the outcome, lol!) and the love sisters share. 

My entire family benefited from her visit. She has a natural calming quality that soothes and comforts, she is like home. She is medicine to my soul. And the laughter between us is the best of all. If I could spend the rest of my days in a fit of laughter, my world would be ideal. That should be an added life goal! 

If you're a mother, you will completely relate I am sure. My son is three. We flew through the two year stage without a hiccup, he was my sweet darling boy with a heart of gold. And....he still is....but with added sass, independence and I swear he is on the brink of turning 15. The defiance! To get a kiss or hug from the little dude is like begging for the moon and I end up looking the pathetic baby! Lol!

But this weekend, this weekend he overcompensated for lost time (yup, pathetic). He gave me my hugs, kisses and "I love you"'s on his own accord! My heart and mind have been in full swoon mood. I soaked it up like sea sponge! Oh the joys of being a parent (and I mean that in every way)! 

We ended the weekend visiting my parents (aka the grandparents). They are my bread and butter. I needed the comfort that parents can give. They love you even in your ugliest of moments. We took a nice walk, splashed in melted snow and laughed about life in general. I am so thankful for my parents. 

I think when it comes down to it, all we need or want in life is to love, be loved and to laugh, along with a purpose to live. Thus the overused cliche "live, laugh, love". I suppose it's overused because it reigns true to so many. 

Although Monday's can be the pits, I am refreshed and ready to start a new week with a new attitude. Hope you have a great day as well!!

Carla, XO

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mossy Eye Candy

I find myself drifting to warm sunny days with my hands in the dirt, tasting the sweet aromas of dill, bee balm and old English rose on my lips, humming to the tune of high perched wrens and the hum of swooping hummingbirds. Then my mind snaps to reality and I place another log on the wood-stove, wrap my hands around a steamy cup of coffee soaking in its warmth while my eyes adjust to the bright vast stretch of land blanketed in white and....I am over it!  Seeing months of black and white can lead to a brain full of static! So let's be rebels eh and add some color to this picture!! Time to bring the garden indoors my friends. I am going to show you how to make some lovely terrariums with the use of bright green succulents and lovely blooming air plants, both of which are very low maintenance & cost! The process is super duper simple and the outcome looks extremely mod! Little glass worlds of eye candy.

Where will you start?! How about in your pantry, cupboards, china closet....your home has a plethora of containers just waiting for you to showcase their style, time to dust them off and give them time to shine! Have you any vases, tea cups, cheese platters with glass tops, round cake tins? Or have you any pieces that you store in your china cabinet as heirloom pieces that are simply for display? All of these pieces make perfect containers for donning your new indoor gardens!

Now that you have decided what you will use, you might ask....where can I purchase air plants or succulents in the middle of winter?? Check out your local florists! This has become a huge trend, one that my father stated was a mega hit back in his day. Isn't it funny what we think is NEW and FABULOUS is really history repeating itself?! If your local florist doesn't carry them, do some research on Amazon or Etsy. This past week I had a blast visiting a florist in my neighborhood whose name instantly caught my attention, Flowerkraut, and it was love first step into their gem of a shop! They boasted a vast collection of air plants throughout their shop hanging in tiny clay pots from the ceiling to peeking at you from shelves among eclectic finds of stationary, bath salts, stained glass eyes and brain were drooling! Having to narrow down my purchases was no easy task.

(Do you SEE those poppies?! They are breathtaking!)

(my heart was swooning over all the eclectic pieces this little shop bestowed. It was exactly what I needed on a frigid winters day to revitalize my heart and soul)

Once you have your plants, you now need to purchase your other supplies: activated charcoal (for the succulent terrariums), soil and moss. I also used two wooden skewers to help place the moss and plants where I wanted them (which helps if your container is narrow at the top). I purchased my charcoal from Pet Smart. Its the same charcoal used in fish tank filters, thus working the same way as to keep the water pure within your terrarium and helps to keep mold out. The soil I simply purchased at Lowe's, it's Miracle-Gro potting mix. And the stones I harvested from outdoors, but feel free to use any decorative river stones, gems or baubles. Now, I must admit, I did cheat as far as the moss goes. I purchased a package of preserved sheet moss from Jo-Ann fabrics, don't judge! Once spring rolls around, I will harvest my own (and share the process of course). But for now, a cheater I am! 

(I used these three pieces. The tiny flowered pitcher is a family heirloom from my son's great grandmother. The cheese platter has collected dust for years, what a perfect way to showcase it! And the tall glass vessel I purchased at TJ Maxx on the clearance rack! Be sure to also check out places like Goodwill or any local thrift store!)

Once you have all of your goodies lined up, we can begin the fun part, creating your own little conversation pieces. Tap into you imagination, allow your mind to run rampant and create something magical or simple. This is your little world, so be sure to make it what you want.

First we will begin the simple steps to creating terrariums. The first step is to fill your base with your stones. Then top them with 1/2 inch of charcoal, followed by soil. Depending on the depth of the container you are using, you will have to use your judgement as to how much soil you will be using.

Next, take the plants gently out of their containers and tickle the roots to "activate" them, as well as to loosen their soil. If you have a narrow container that you will be placing them in, use your skewers or whatever tool of choice to maneuver them within their new home. 

Once your plants are in and planted, you can start decorating its new habitat with moss. I personally cannot get enough of the stuff, its like a plush blanket of vivid green....I really go crazy when it comes to moss. And their are so many varieties that you can play with! HAVE FUN with this project. 

You can incorporate fairies, stones, ANYTHING. I used a dinosaur from my son's vast toy collection and he thinks its the coolest ;) 

If your container is closed, be sure to water lightly, as it becomes its own biosphere and the moisture will retain. If you over water, simply take the top off and allow it to breathe for a bit (a day or two, use your own judgement!). No need to keep your terrarium in the sunlight, they prefer shaded areas, thus making the perfect indoor decor pieces! 

Last, but never ever least, is our air plants. These little beauts hold up to their name, simply because all they need to thrive is air alone, no soil needed. Pretty magical if you ask me! I do suggest giving them a bath in a basin of water or your sink in tepid water twice a week. This dry winter air has a tendency to dry these babies out, much like it does our skin! But that is it, that is all they require. And of course a good dose of  love :)

Simply place these little guys wherever you see fit! I personally love mine within tea cups or tiny pitchers. 

Hope you are convinced that you too need a tiny world of green! 

Carla, XO

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Best is Yet to Come

I love this phrase. I want to bask underneath it’s glow and soak up all the possibilities. Lately I have felt this ball of excitement within the core of my being, very similar to the feeling of falling in love. Is this how it feels to fall deeply in love with life? I have never experienced this feeling when it comes to choosing a career or an avenue of what might be.  I truly feel within my gut that the choice I made to become a blogger and journalist is THE missing puzzle piece to my life. And why or how come it took me so long to fall into this niche is beyond me, but I am welcoming this new path with arms wide open.

( A ritual that my sister Tina and I share, tea time inspirations. She is truly my kindred spirit. Keep those that inspire you to be your best around, nurture them as much as they nurture you. These relationships are like flowers, they need water and sunlight. They should be a forever investment. )

I am in my early 30’s. At times in my life I have felt like a drifter. I suppose you could call me a free-spirit of sorts. I have never been one to settle down and plant roots. I've lived a rather nomadic life, I wanted to experience life on a whim, no schedules or strict structures. Along the way, I have made some poor decisions. I have never been one of those people who knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life or what direction I  would take to  pave the road to success. I simply lived in the moment. But in saying this, I have learned a lot throughout my travels, trials and tribulations. My life planted roots once I met my husband and we created a family, which in itself was a major fulfillment since it brought to life the person I am today. But there is something that comes from being successful. So, I suppose this makes me a late bloomer as far as choosing a career goes. And you know what, it’s OKAY! I am going to stop judging myself and start accepting the person that I am. I have always been a sensitive soul, others opinions held me down in the past regarding the way I live my life. Respect what makes you different, what others might view as "flaws". Be sure to show the same respect when dealing with others. If we showed a little more respect, imagine the difference it would make! 

(Heck yeah! Please do.)

Break free of labels. Just be YOU. Don't try to change because people might view your lifestyle in a negative way. You are always going to have those that support you or those that are against you. Do not be afraid to try something because you feel it goes against the person you are. Be open to new experiences, because who knows, you might be introduced to a side of yourself that just needed to be awakened. Dive into who you are and what drives you. Getting to know the person you are can be a journey in itself and very exciting. Make choices that you alone have decided to make and aren't made under the influence of others, or what others push you to be. Only you alone know what is right for you.

(I stumbled on this amazing poem. It fits my sensitive personality. One of which I used to find as a flaw. I feel as we grow and become acquainted with who we are, we realize its these flaws that make us stand out among the rest. I am smitten with Victoria Erickson, her poetry has such depth!)

In conclusion, I urge you to FOLLOW your dreams and simply allow yourself to FLY! Age is just a number. And we have one life to live, no re-do's or reset button. Stop making excuses, do not allow fear or anxieties weigh your decisions. If it’s the right decision, you will know, because your gut will indelibly tell you and life will fall into place. Remember, everyone has their opinions, but the opinions that truly matter come from those that genuinely know the person you are and love you unconditionally. Just be the BEST you. For you and for those around you. Treat yourself with respect, the same respect you treat others with. Nurture your soul and love the person you reflect. There is no time like the present to start all of the above!

XO, Carla 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Filet Mignon of the Forest Wild

(Found on Pinterest, I couldn't resist it!)

I was lost at the first touch of his large rugged hand on the side of my face. I quickly found myself  swooning over this man, vowing to live forever within the earthy confines of his huntsman cave where deer looked statuesque on walls and guns hung with pride behind glass cabinets. It was a life I found mysterious, with foods I have never tasted before , recreational activities that entailed crazy nights in moonlit trails and I have always been drawn to the unknown, a sure challenge. In saying this, there were challenges on his end as well. He  had to accept my vast wardrobe, one that took up an entire spare room, my taste of fine wines, lavish shoe collection and wild big hair. Mind you, this was MANY moons ago and we now share a closet (mine being the larger half, of course!), yet the shoe collection remains, as well as the hair!! People have raised a few eyebrows throughout the years, we aren't a couple you would assume to be together. But, what is it that they say…..opposites attract and we live happily ever after, forever figuring out how to mesh our two intriguing personalities......

(My brawny husband, along with some photo's I captured this past weekend when we took a family hike through our woods)

Let’s get to the real topic:  MEAT. VENISON. The filet mignon  of the  redneck society of upstate New York.

 And: I LIKE it. The redneck society. The ones with big trucks, mud on their tires, flannel shirts, rough rugged hands……and the venison. Meat. The kind they hunt and bring home. Deer. From the forest wild.

I didn't always claim to liking it. I did not grow up with a household of hunters. My meals were pretty much the typical All American cuisine. But being the good sport that I am (HA!), I gave it my best taste bud forward. And at first, they weren't having it. In fact, I believe I most likely turned 50 shades of green. I knew if it came to it and the man had to choose, he would surely pick the meat over me. He is a "meat and potatoes" kind of man, the true love that wins his beating heart. And if he were to continue to hunt, our freezer would continue to be full (because on a rather serious note, if you kill, you eat. Hunting is not simply a sport in our family).....and his one and only sport that he is passionate about is: hunting. There was no way of getting around it. Thus the experimenting began. 

(The rugged men in my life)

I do love to cook.  And as I stated before, I do enjoy a good challenge. I enjoy trying to figure out ways to prepare venison, experimenting with different ingredients to cut the game flavor to a minimum and to keep the meat from becoming too dry. Venison is naturally very lean. So if you were going to use it in meatloaf for instance, you'd want to add eggs or a fattier cut of meat, like pork sausage to give it moisture and to help it to stay it's form. 

(Greek Meatballs with Tomato & Red Pepper Puree paired with my herb salad, delish!!)

My two "go to's" for cutting the game flavor down and infusing great flavor is to first sauté the meat in olive oil and fresh garlic. Once it has browned slightly, I add red wine, the dryer the red the better to enhance the earthy flavors, think Merlot. Most recipes I incorporate venison in also  calls for stewed tomatoes because the acidity pairs well. Once you become familiar with venison and its character, you will get a feel for what might work and what might not when trying out new recipes!

Since my family and I have currently been sticking to a super healthy Mediterranean lifestyle of dining, which consists mostly of seafood, white meat and legumes, having a course of red meat is a very nice treat! The other day I made a kick-ass dish of meatballs (recipe below), paired with an herb salad, chopped pears, crushed walnuts, crumbled goat cheese all lightly drizzled with olive oil infused with a fig balsamic vinaigrette which is out of this WORLD!

If you do not feel adventurous enough to try wild game, feel free to use beef in the recipe or even turkey! Either way, try this out, its way too mouth watering NOT to! If you are like myself and have experimented with venison, I would love to hear your secrets!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

XO, Carla

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Effortless Ways To Unravel

After a long day at the office, it's time to head home, wrap up in your softest robe imaginable, pour yourself a glass of wine and divulge in a steamy book of...NOT! Who you kidding Jackson?! That is not the reality for most ladies my age! There are tiny creatures waiting for your full attention and undying affection, hungry tummies of all sizes, baths to be drawn, messes to be swept and of course playtime in between!!!

So, let's hit the restart button on this gig and walk in the door. First things first, unwind by giving your family your FULL attention, because that is therapeutic to everyone's soul, eh! 

Then head to the kitchen, flip on the beats, now enters Taylor Swift "Shake It Off", let's dance!!! One of my favorite ways to unwind is with my son showing off some great moves, which he impresses me every time (not sure its vice versa though, lol!)! He's got skill!!! But seriously, shake off the load you carry from work, because it's simply not fair to unload all that crap on those you love.

(You know you are with me! So why not turn up the tunes as well! Shake it baby!)
 After dinner when everyone is ready to relax, play and enjoy family time....slip into your favorite lounge attire. Mine usually consists of leggings, a big over sized super soft sweater and of course knee high socks/slippers. Its what I call lounging fashionably, you never know who might arrive at your doorstep, at least at my household! I know for some of my favorite ladies, whipping off that contraption called a bra is the very first thing they do when arriving home!! HA! Couldn't be more with them on this!

Then I like to light my bazillion candles......I would like to state that I am not a pyro, although others might disagree (since I have them EVERYWHERE!). There is something so calming about the soft glow of candlelight. It calms the soul. Combined with the woodstove, its perfect!

I typically take a shower, but obviously, drawing yourself a bath is super luxurious, so if  you can, indulge darling. Whether it be a bath or a shower, allow yourself to breath in the steam and wash your worries and anxieties down the drain. A friend of mine just recently led me to something I haven't tried yet, but it sounds like bliss. Place a few drops of your favorite essential oils (Eucalyptus or lavender or whatever you love) on a wet washcloth and simply hang it where the steam will vaporize the oils throughout the shower....did I hear "aaaaahhhhh" yet?! Speaking of the shower, not to go off on a tangent, but I do my best thinking in the shower! The most creative ideas simply blossom....somehow I need to take advantage of this, maybe by simply keeping a notepad in the bathroom to quickly jot down my ideas. Because as soon as the steam evaporates, so does my entire thought process. So sad....anyway, moving on.....

(We love tubby time! Be sure to treat you tiny tots to the relaxation of essential oils!)

After tucking the babes to bed, its time to fluff your favorite satiny feather pillows and pour yourself a nice crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc, ahem, at least that is what I do! My absolute choice wine is Bancroft Estate, which is a California Sauvignon Blanc....the taste is absolute adoration first sip. Please do add this to your shopping list, I promise girls, you will not be disappointed. Although the sticker price gets a $$ at nearly $15 a bottle. Its well worth the splurge! 

Married with that, I keep a deep dark chocolate bar in my freezer so that I can break off a square. I happen to be smitten with Godiva Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Bar...oh my heavens. Another fabulous idea that the same said friend passed on to me, which I did try, is to sprinkle a few drops of lavender essential oils onto your pillows. Let me tell you, the first time I did this, my son planted his blonde little head into his pillow and came up asking me what that smell was and that he loved it! As I did too!! I am thinking of purchasing some vanilla oil as well and combining the two with water to create a mist. I will let you know what the results are in a future post! The soft smell of lavender helped to just calm the body and mind. Holistic remedies have always been a strong interest of mine! 

I also found that listening to my Calm App right before bed truly helps my thoughts to unravel into dreams clouded with scents of lavender and what's to come, because darling, the best is yet to come!!
I would love to hear how you unravel!!

XO, Carla